Leaf Collection

Leaf Pickup for the City of Wilton begins the first week of October and is in Zones 1 2 & 3.

Wilton crews will begin picking up leaves in the fall, usually toward the end of September. Leaves will be picked up at the curb. Residents are asked to rake the leaves into a pile or windrow them behind the curb line. (DO NOT RAKE LEAVES INTO THE STREET OR GUTTER) Leaves should be separated from other debris; only leaves will be collected.

Leaves should be ready for pickup by 7:00AM on the first day of the week that your zone is scheduled. If leaves are not picked up on the exact day due to weather conditions or volume delays, they will be picked up at a later time. If residents wish; they may take leaves to the compost site at the City Maintenance Shop on E Jackson Street.

Any pile containing non-leaf debris (garden clippings, grass, branches or other foreign objects) WILL NOT be picked up. If leaves are raked onto the street or gutters, rains can wash them into the storm sewer; therefore causing flooding. Parked vehicles should be moved out of the way so that the leaf vacuum can reach the piles of leaves.

It is the goal of the City of Wilton to keep our streets safe and attractive. City crews will be working with great care to thoroughly vacuum all leaves raked to the curb line. Every effort will be made to maintain the weekly pickup schedule.